< StreamReader & StreamWriter Program Examples | Main | Chap 3: Threading & Asynchronous >



Chapter 2 Part 16:

Managed I/O - Streams, Readers, and Writers



What do we have in this chapter 2 Part 16?

  1. BinaryReader and BinaryWriter

  2. C++ BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Program Example

  3. C# BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Program Example

  4. VB .NET BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Program Example




Note: If you want to experience a complete C++ .NET/C++-CLI programming tutorial please jump to Visual C++ .NET programming tutorial.


BinaryReader and BinaryWriter


The BinaryReader and BinaryWriter stream classes allow you to read and write specific data types to a stream in binary form, which means that the data types are read and written as they’re represented in computer memory. For example, you can write an object of type Int32 and the BinaryWriter will write a 4-byte signed integer to a stream and advance the Position property of the stream by four bytes.

The following code example demonstrates how to store and retrieve application settings in a file.


C++ BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Example


Create a new CLR console application project and you might want to use BinaryWriterBinaryReaderCP as the project and solution names.


C++ BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Example - CLR console application new project creation


Add the following code.


// BinaryReaderBinaryWriterCP.cpp : main project file.


#include "stdafx.h"


using namespace System;

using namespace System::IO;

using namespace System::Security::Permissions;


// Store and retrieve application settings.

ref class AppSettings



                        static String^ fileName =  "AppSettings#@@#.dat";

                        float aspectRatio;

                        String^ lookupDir;

                        int autoSaveTime;

                        Boolean showStatusBar;



                        property float AspectRatio


                                    float get()


                                                return aspectRatio;



                                    void set( float value )


                                                aspectRatio = value;




                        property String^ LookupDir


                                    String^ get()


                                                return lookupDir;



                                    void set( String^ value )


                                                lookupDir = value;




                        property int AutoSaveTime


                                    int get()


                                                return autoSaveTime;



                                    void set( int value )


                                                autoSaveTime = value;




                        property Boolean ShowStatusBar


                                    Boolean get()


                                                return showStatusBar;



                                    void set( Boolean value )


                                                showStatusBar = value;






                                    // Create default application settings.

                                    aspectRatio = 1.3333F;

                                    lookupDir =  "C:\\AppDirectory";

                                    autoSaveTime = 30;

                                    showStatusBar = false;


                                    Console::WriteLine("Creating default application settings...");

                                    if ( File::Exists( fileName ) )


                                                BinaryReader^ binReader = gcnew BinaryReader( File::Open( fileName, FileMode::Open ) );




                                                            // If the file is not empty, read the application settings.

                                                            // Read 4 bytes into a buffer to determine if the file is empty.

                                                            array<Byte>^testArray = gcnew array<Byte>(3);

                                                            int count = binReader->Read(testArray, 0, 3);


                                                            Console::WriteLine("If file not empty, read the app...");

                                                            if ( count != -1 )


                                                                        aspectRatio = binReader->ReadSingle();

                                                                        lookupDir = binReader->ReadString();

                                                                        autoSaveTime = binReader->ReadInt32();

                                                                        showStatusBar = binReader->ReadBoolean();





                                                // If the end of the stream is reached before reading the four data values, ignore the error and use the

                                                // default settings for the remaining values.

                                                catch ( EndOfStreamException^ e )


                                                            Console::WriteLine( "{0} caught and ignored. Using default values...", e->GetType()->Name );









                        // Create a file and store the application settings.

                        void Close()


                                    BinaryWriter^ binWriter = gcnew BinaryWriter( File::Open( fileName, FileMode::Create ) );

                                    Console::WriteLine("Create a file and store the app settings...");




                                                binWriter->Write( aspectRatio );

                                                binWriter->Write( lookupDir );

                                                binWriter->Write( autoSaveTime );

                                                binWriter->Write( showStatusBar );









int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)


            // Load application settings.

            AppSettings^ appSettings = gcnew AppSettings;

            array<Object^>^someObject = {appSettings->AspectRatio.ToString(),appSettings->LookupDir,appSettings->AutoSaveTime.ToString(),appSettings->ShowStatusBar.ToString()};


            Console::WriteLine("Loading app settings...");

            Console::WriteLine("\n====App settings====\nAspect Ratio: {0}\nLookup directory: {1}\nAuto save time: {2} minutes"

   "\nShow status bar: {3}\n", someObject );


            // Change the settings.

            Console::WriteLine("Changing the settings...");

            appSettings->AspectRatio = 1.250F;

            appSettings->LookupDir =  "C:\\Temp";

            appSettings->AutoSaveTime = 10;

            appSettings->ShowStatusBar = true;


            // Save the new settings.

            Console::WriteLine("Saving the new settings...");


    return 0;



Build and run the project. The following is an output example.


C++ BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Example - an output sample


C# BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Example


Create a new console application project and add the following code.





C# BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Example - console application new project creation


using System;

using System.IO;

using System.Security.Permissions;


namespace BinaryReaderBinaryWriterCS


    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            // Load application settings.

            Console.WriteLine("Load, store & retrieve the application settings...");

            AppSettings appSettings = new AppSettings();


            Console.WriteLine("====The app settings====\nAspect Ratio: {0}, " +

                "Lookup directory: {1},\nAuto save time: {2} minutes, " +

                "Show status bar: {3}\n", new Object[4]{appSettings.AspectRatio.ToString(),

            appSettings.LookupDir, appSettings.AutoSaveTime.ToString(),



            Console.WriteLine("Change the application settings...");

            // Change the settings.

            appSettings.AspectRatio = 1.250F;

            appSettings.LookupDir = @"C:\Temp";

            appSettings.AutoSaveTime = 10;

            appSettings.ShowStatusBar = true;


            Console.WriteLine("Save the settings...");

            // Save the new settings.





    // Store and retrieve application settings.

    class AppSettings


        const string fileName = "AppSettings#@@#.dat";

        float aspectRatio;

        string lookupDir;

        int autoSaveTime;

        bool showStatusBar;


        public float AspectRatio


            get { return aspectRatio; }

            set { aspectRatio = value; }



        public string LookupDir


            get { return lookupDir; }

            set { lookupDir = value; }



        public int AutoSaveTime


            get { return autoSaveTime; }

            set { autoSaveTime = value; }



        public bool ShowStatusBar


            get { return showStatusBar; }

            set { showStatusBar = value; }



        public AppSettings()


            // Create default application settings.

            aspectRatio = 1.3333F;

            lookupDir = @"C:\AppDirectory";

            autoSaveTime = 30;

            showStatusBar = false;


            Console.WriteLine("Creating a default application settings...");

            if (File.Exists(fileName))


                BinaryReader binReader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open));



                    // If the file is not empty, read the application settings. Read 4 bytes into a buffer to

                    // determine if the file is empty.

                    byte[ ] testArray = new byte[3];

                    int count = binReader.Read(testArray, 0, 3);


                    if (count != 0)


                        aspectRatio = binReader.ReadSingle();

                        lookupDir = binReader.ReadString();

                        autoSaveTime = binReader.ReadInt32();

                        showStatusBar = binReader.ReadBoolean();




                // If the end of the stream is reached before reading the four data values, ignore the error and use the

                // default settings for the remaining values.

                catch (EndOfStreamException e)


                    Console.WriteLine("{0} caught and ignored. Using default values.", e.GetType().Name);









        // Create a file and store the application settings.

        public void Close()


            Console.WriteLine("Creating a file and store the application settings...");

            using (BinaryWriter binWriter = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Create)))











An output sample:


C# BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Example - a sample of output in console mode


VB .NET BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Example


Create a new empty project and you can use the solution and project name as shown in the following Figure.


VB .NET BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Example - an empty new project creation


Add a new class to the project as shown below.


VB .NET BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Example - adding a class to existing project


Add the following code.


Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Imports System

Imports System.IO

Imports System.Security.Permissions


Public Class Test

    Shared Sub Main()


        ' Load application settings.

        Dim appSettings As New AppSettings()


        Console.WriteLine("Load, store & retrieve application settings")


        Console.WriteLine("==App settings==" & vbCrLf & "Aspect " & _

            "Ratio: {0}, Lookup directory: {1}," & vbCrLf & "Auto " & _

            "save time: {2} minutes, Show status bar: {3}" & vbCrLf, _

            New Object(3) {appSettings.AspectRatio.ToString(), _

            appSettings.LookupDir, _

            appSettings.AutoSaveTime.ToString(), _



        ' Change the settings.

        Console.WriteLine("Change application settings...")

        appSettings.AspectRatio = 1.25

        appSettings.LookupDir = "C:\Temp"

        appSettings.AutoSaveTime = 10

        appSettings.ShowStatusBar = True


        ' Save the new settings.



    End Sub


End Class


' Store and retrieve application settings.

Public Class AppSettings


    Const fileName As String = "VBAppSettings#@@#.dat"

    Dim aspRatio As Single

    Dim lkupDir As String

    Dim saveTime As Integer

    Dim statusBar As Boolean


    Property AspectRatio() As Single


            Return aspRatio

        End Get

        Set(ByVal value As Single)

            aspRatio = Value

        End Set

    End Property


    Property LookupDir() As String


            Return lkupDir

        End Get

        Set(ByVal value As String)

            lkupDir = Value

        End Set

    End Property


    Property AutoSaveTime() As Integer


            Return saveTime

        End Get

        Set(ByVal value As Integer)

            saveTime = Value

        End Set

    End Property


    Property ShowStatusBar() As Boolean


            Return statusBar

        End Get

        Set(ByVal value As Boolean)

            statusBar = Value

        End Set

    End Property


    Sub New()


        ' Create default application settings.

        aspRatio = 1.3333

        lkupDir = "C:\VBAppDirectory"

        saveTime = 30

        statusBar = False


        Console.WriteLine("Creating a default application settings...")

        If File.Exists(fileName) Then

            Dim binReader As New BinaryReader( _

                File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open))



                ' If the file is not empty, read the application settings.

                ' Read 4 bytes into a buffer to determine if the file is empty.

                Dim testArray As Byte() = {0, 0, 0, 0}

                Dim count As Integer = binReader.Read(testArray, 0, 3)


                If count <> 0 Then

                    aspRatio = binReader.ReadSingle()

                    lkupDir = binReader.ReadString()

                    saveTime = binReader.ReadInt32()

                    statusBar = binReader.ReadBoolean()


                End If


                ' If the end of the stream is reached before reading

                ' the four data values, ignore the error and use the default settings for the remaining values.

            Catch ex As EndOfStreamException

                Console.WriteLine("{0} caught and ignored. " & _

                    "Using default values.", ex.GetType().Name)



            End Try

        End If

    End Sub


    ' Create a file and store the application settings.

    Sub Close()

        Dim binWriter As New BinaryWriter(File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Create))

        Console.WriteLine("Create a file and store the application settings...")








        End Try

    End Sub

End Class





Build the solution/project.


VB .NET BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Example - building a project


Run/debug the program.


VB .NET BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Example - Running/debugging the project


Or you can use the short cut button.


VB .NET BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Example - a short-cut button


An output sample (as seen in the Visual Studio IDE's Output window):


VB .NET BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Example - Output sample seen in the Output window


< StreamReader & StreamWriter Program Examples | Main | Chap 3: Threading & Asynchronous >